Come abbiamo visto in questi ultimi anni, i reparti produttivi di Apple affidati alla ditta Foxconn sono sempre stati tenuti segreti agli occhi esterni facendo trapelare solo ben poche informazioni in merito. Ma negli ultimi mesi sono ben due i video gi? mostrati in rete che riportano l?interno di queste fabbriche molto discusse. Dopo un ?Read More ?
VIDEO | Un nuovo video mostra una fabbrica Foxconn e la produzione dell?iPhone 4S ? un articolo di iapp-mac.Sunday, May 27, 2012
Huntsville businesses will have to e-file city tax returns starting this fall
HUNTSVILLE, Alabama ? Hundreds of Huntsville business owners who write the city a monthly sales tax check will soon be required to pay electronically.
An amendment to the city tax code mandates e-filing of all sales, rental, lodging and use taxes through a secure Alabama Department of Revenue website.
The City Council approved the change on a 4-0 vote at its meeting Thursday night. Huntsville Finance Director Randy Taylor said the e-filing requirement will probably go into effect around Sept. 1.
?We?ll be able to devote our activities (in the finance department) to other things,? said Taylor, ?and not just processing paper.?
?It?s a much more efficient way to file.?
The state revenue department began requiring businesses to electronically remit the Alabama portion of their sales, rental, lodging and use taxes in 2003. The city has offered an e-file option since April 2004, and about 60 percent of businesses are already signed up.
Huntsville Finance Director Randy Taylor
But Taylor said more than 2,000 local businesses pay the state electronically, then turn around and send the city a paper tax return and check. The finance department processed about 2,700 paper returns in April alone, he said.
It takes two municipal employees about 10 days to manually enter that data into the city?s computers.
With e-filing, ?the information comes directly into the city?s system and we?re done,? said Taylor.
E-filing city taxes through the state revenue department website is a free service.
Businesses with less than $750 in monthly tax receipts will still be allowed to pay by check, and Taylor said the city will also make exceptions for any business that does not have a computer.
City Councilman Richard Showers said he generally supports the change but wants to make sure it doesn?t hurt small business owners.
?I don?t want technology to put anybody out of business,? Showers said Friday.
Taylor said he believes businesses that now remit city taxes through the mail will find e-filing faster and easier.
?Now, the owners can spend less time on administrative activities,? he said, ?and more time on other things in their business.?
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Revolutionizing Sex Education. | elephant journal
Taking sex education out of the dungeon that it has lived in over the last 30 years is an epic step towards wholeness in our society.
?What if our kids really believed we wanted them to have great sex?What if they really believed that we want them to be so passionately in love with someone that they can?t keep their hands off them?? What if they really believed we want them to know their own bodies??? ~ Al Vernacchio
One courageous teacher, Al Vernacchio, is doing just that in his class Sexuality and Society, at a small private school near Philadelphia. He may well be the first teacher in this county that has taken the bold step to go beyond the fear/disease-based instruction model built on the abstinence training which dominates our schools and has allowed pornography to become the only readily available form of sex education for our youth.
Vernacchio?s ground-breaking curriculum explores both the depth and breadth of sexuality issues that most teens grapple with, including how to recognize and form your own values, understanding sexual orientation, discussions about safer sex, sex in relationships, sexual health, and the emotional and physical terrain of sexual activity.
Offering these kinds of sexual conversations to our youth is revolutionary and is at the heart of the deepest healing that needs to happen on this planet; making peace with our erotic selves. It isn?t just the kids that need this education either.? The vast majority of adults in this country have never been exposed to the healthy, provocative and open discussions necessary to understand how our mysterious sexuality works, how we attribute meaning to it, as well as how to experience more pleasure from it.
Our collective shame and fear is choking our ability to nurture and sustain healthy intimate relationships and a recent study in the Harvard Medical Review rightly condemns our silence and denial of sexuality as ?a betrayal of our next generation, which is desperately in need of knowledge, conversation and resources to negotiate the delicious and treacherous terrain of sexuality in the 21st century.?
It is important to realize that our current forms of abstinence training are relatively recent developments in the history of sexual education. Interestingly, it was Progressive Era reformers like Sears and Roebuck?s president Julius Rosenwald and the President of Harvard, Charles Eliot, who believed sex education was an essential means of eliminating venereal disease as well as the double standards that kept women from achieving equality. They taught both the rewards of sexual intimacy within a marriage and the hazards outside of marriage.
In fact it wasn?t until the social contract shift in the 1960s that sexuality outside of marriage was widely entertained. The backlash of this opening happened in the 1980s when comprehensive sex education was replaced with abstinence-only education models. Among many other issues that divided the political right and left, the moral majority won the sexuality battle and everyone lost the basic right to sex education.
Imagine what life might look like if we all had a good solid dose of sex education. Imagine shame and guilt, the two constant companions of countless sex drives replaced with curiosity and wonder. Pleasure of all kinds would become a welcome respite and our capacity to combine long lasting relationships with our own personal language of intimacy would thrive.
I daresay, if our kids believed we wanted them to have healthy and vital intimate lives,? parents too might be enjoying the same with more frequency. Great sex could be celebrated as part of the journey of growing up over a life time. Maybe porn would get boring and clandestine affairs seem not worth the price.? A little sex education would go a long way to revolutionizing how we love.? Sign me up.
Like enlightened society on Facebook.
Editor: Kate Bartolotta
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Wendy Strgar, founder and CEO of Good Clean Love, is a loveologist who writes and lectures on Making Love Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which teaches the importance of valuing the renewable resources of love, intimacy and family. In her new book, Love that Works: A Guide to Enduring Intimacy, she tackles the challenging issues of sustaining relationships and healthy intimacy with an authentic and disarming style and simple yet innovative advice. It has been called "the essential guide for relationships." The book is available on ebook, as well as in paperback online. Wendy has been married for 27 years to her husband, a psychiatrist, and lives with their four children ages 13- 22 in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.dallas cowboys cheerleaders leftover turkey recipes leftover turkey recipes the muppets percy harvin percy harvin best cyber monday deals
SereniGy G-Pets - Supplement for Dog Hip Dysplasia | Sharing ...
People love their pets, and for good reason. They are happy, loyal, and always aim to please. So why would you not want to keep them around for as long as possible, in a healthy state where they can truly enjoy all the things that pets like to do? This is exactly why SereniGy G-Pets, Canine Formula, was created. Find out how you can keep your dog happy and free of painful conditions like hip dysplasia with supplementation and the right diet.
SereniGy G-Pets For Hip Dysplasia and Joint Health
If you are the owner of a dog, especially a larger breed, you may have heard about or seen the effects of aging on the joints, with common reference made to hip dysplasia, or what some people call dog arthritis.
Dog arthritis, or hip dysplasia, can occur in your pet as surely as it can occur in humans. Excessive wear and tear, combined with a high grain fed diet (notorious in commercial dog food), leaves the muscles and joints in a more acidic and tightened state, thereby leaving them more prone to break down.
Exacerbating this situation is systemic inflammation, depletion of vitamins and minerals, and stress. Dogs are susceptible to many of the same factors as we are, and often are more sensitive especially in the case of stress (a dog picks up on everything, including stress in your household). This makes hip dysplasia worse!
The quickest way to relieve your dog of painful arthritis, hip dysplasia and other health debilitating factors is to provide them with a supplement that addresses the core factors that lead to it, and SereniGy G-Pets does just that for your dog.
SereniGy G-Pets ? Nutrients For a Happier, Healthier Dog
The SereniGy G-Pet formula addresses many core factors, with a focus on hip dysplasia and joint health. Some of the most effective ingredients in the SereniGy G-Pet formula against hip dysplasia and poor joint health are as follows:
SereniGy G-Pet Core Ingredients
Glucosamine ? Effective in repairing wear and tear of the joints (hip dysplasia).
MSM ? Helps build joints, decrease inflammation, detox, and strengthen connective tissue (joint health).
Hyaluronic Acid ? Anti-aging nutrient that improves mobility and decreases pain (hip dysplasia).
Perilla Seed ? High in Omega 3?s, which help decrease inflammation and improves joint health (hip dysplasia & joint health).
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) ? Strong antioxidant, which helps decrease inflammation and premature aging (overall health).
Ganoderma Lucidum ? Strong antioxidant, decreases inflammation, and combats stress (overall health).
Add to these key ingredients an array of B-Vitamins and minerals, and you have a nutrient rich formula in SereniGy G-Pets that addresses hip dysplasia, joint pain, and overall health.
SereniGy G-Pets Is ?Dog Approved?
So now you have the SereniGy G-Pets formula for dogs to relieve common issues like hip dysplasia, but is your dog actually going to take it?
Fortunately, there is absolutely no issue to get these chewable tablets in your dogs. The SereniGy G-Pet formula contains liver, which makes these chewables smell delicious, and the surest way to your dog stomach is through his or her sniffer, and I can tell you from experience with my chocolate lab that one glimpse of the SereniGy G-Pets bottle and the dog comes a runnin?!
Adopt A Healthier Diet For Your Dog
Combine the SereniGy G-Pets with a more effective diet (like the BARF Diet), and soon your dog will be acting like a puppy again.
Why a raw diet?
Dogs are biologically set up to eat raw food, not excessive amounts of grains and soft food. When?s the last time you seen an ancestor of a dog (wolf, coyote, etc) starting a fire and cooking up its meat along with a nice side of cornmeal and other grains?
Right?never. They eat the raw flesh and muscle meat of other animals, and get a small helping of grains from that animal?s stomach. Take a clue from that and your dog is already set up for a healthier future!
For more information on ways to get everyone in the family healthy, visit
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